Snoring is a common phenomenon affecting around 45% of the adult population across the globe. Occasional snoring is normal and might not need any kind of intervention to stop snoring. However, frequent snoring can be a sign of complicated health issues including sleep apnea.
Snoring is not only annoying, leading to disruption in sleep, but can be a cause of frustration and anxiety to your partner, as continuous snoring keeps a partner away from a good night’s sleep.
Physiologically speaking, snoring is a kind of sound produced when airflow causes tissues in the throat to vibrate, and is often experienced in a state of sleep or deep rest. Chronic snoring, if left untreated, can lead to severe health complications such as sleep deprivation, heart disease, and hypertension.
Several techniques and easy remedies can be tried to stop snoring and overcome this common issue. But before diving into the remedies essential to stop snoring, let’s first understand the possible causes that lead to snoring. In this blog post, learn about the possible causes and easy steps to stop snoring.
What are the Possible Causes of Snoring?
Gaining insights into possible causes is essential to find effective remedies for snoring . From sleep position, weight, and nasal congestion, to alcohol consumption, varied factors can contribute to snoring. Possible common causes are:
1. Blockages or Congestion in the Nose
Varied factors are responsible for causing a blockage in the nose, including allergies, colds, or sinus infections. This nasal congestion can contribute to snoring. Issues in nose structure, such as a deviated septum, can also obstruct airflow, resulting in snoring during sleep.
2. Excessive Body Weight
One of the common causes of snoring is obesity, as the fat around the neck creates pressure on the airway, leading to snoring. Fat accumulation in the throat makes the airway partially blocked during sleep, and a person experiences intense snoring.
3. Sleep Position
Sleep position is also linked with snoring, as most people snore when sleeping on their back. Sleeping on the back results in the soft tissues and tonguefalling back into the throat, obstructing the airway—a leading cause of producing snoring. It is very much important to improve your sleep quality to stop snoring.
4. Alcohol Consumption
Consuming alcohol or taking sedatives before going to bed can also cause snoring. Alcohol consumption makes the tissues and muscles in the throat relax which causes snoring.
5. Age Factor
You might have noticed that you start snoring after crossing a certain age as snoring is linked to age also. As we age the muscles and tissue become weaker all over the body and in the throat as well, increasing the risk of an airway collapse as you sleep.
6. The Throat and Mouth Anatomy
Anatomical features of the throat and mouth can also be a cause of snoring. The airway can get blocked by a broad tongue, swollen tonsils, or a thick or lengthy soft palate which leads to snoring.
7. Smoking
Smoking can lead to inflammation in muscles, tissues, and nasal passage leading to a blockage. Nasal blockage is a primary reason for snoring and also irritates the nose and throat.
8. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a chronic health condition that causes partial or complete blockage of the airway during sleep. This blockage in the airway leads to snoring or serious disruption in sleep.
9. Change in Hormones
Changes in hormones can also cause snoring, as every human being witnesses hormonal change over his/her lifetime. For instance, hormonal fluctuation during pregnancy can result in nasal swelling and contribute to snoring.
10. Nasal Polyps
These growths in the nasal passageways are not malignant, but they can impede airflow and cause snoring.
Best 7 Easy Steps to Stop Snoring
After gaining knowledge about the possible reasons for snoring , let’s discuss some of the easy steps to stop snoring effectively. Discover common remedies to overcome the issue of snoring .
1. Change Your Sleep Position: A Common Remedy to Treat Snoring Problem
As a primary cause for snoring, changing your sleep positioncan prove effective in stopping snoring. Sleeping on your back obstructs the airway as it causes the tongue and soft tissues to collapse. Therefore, avoid sleeping on your back and develop a habit of sleeping on your sides. To support your side-sleeping position throughout the night, use a pillow. Furthermore, you can try a head-up position to treat the snoring problem.
2. Lose Excess Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is essential to keep varied health complications away and live a healthy life. Excessive body weight and fat accumulation around the neck cause pressure on the airway, leading to snoring. So, losing excessive body fat can prove helpful in stopping snoring. Maintain a healthy diet and opt for daily exercise to enjoy a sound sleep without disruption by snoring.
3. Develop a Healthy Sleep Routine

Ensure you get enough sleep every night; usually, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is ideal to avoid various health problems and snoring as well. Excessive fatigue might result in a more relaxed, deeper sleep, which can lead to snoring. Sticking to a fixed sleep routine, like going to bed and waking up at a scheduled time every day, improves sleep cycles and can reduce snoring. Thus, developing a healthy sleep routine is vital to stop snoring.
4. Avoid Alcohol and Sedatives
Avoiding alcohol is beneficial to promote overall well-being and is also effective in stopping snoring. Alcohol consumption before bed relaxes muscles in the throat, leading to snoring. Stop taking sedatives or other sleep-aiding agents to prevent snoring. However, consulting a doctor before stopping sleep-aiding sedatives is suggested.
5. Open the Nasal Congestion
You can use various types of nasal congestion removal aids to clear nose blockage and ensure optimal airflow to stop snoring. Using a nasal strip is ideal to breathe easily and stop snoring. Taking a warm shower before going to bed is also recommended to treat the snoring problem. The water steam can open nasal congestion and promote optimal airflow.
6. Use OTC Medication or a Mouth Piece
In case the reason for your snoring is allergies or a cold, using OTC medication can prove beneficial in stopping the snoring. You can use intranasal decongestants, such as oxymetazoline, and intranasal steroid sprays like fluticasone to stop snoring. Using a removable mouthpiece is also suggested to treat snoring issues. A mouthpiece prevents snoring by keeping your jaw, tongue, and soft palate in place.
7. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is important to stop snoring, as the dryness of the mouth and throat agitates the snoring. Maintaining optimal body hydration helps to keep tissues and muscles moist and contributes to stopping snoring.
In conclusion, snoring can be stopped by utilizing various easy tips and techniques. Changing sleep positions , sticking to a good routine , avoiding alcohol or sedatives, and losing excessive body weight can help in stopping snoring. Staying hydrated and using an OTC medicine can also prove beneficial in preventing snoring. However, if these common techniques seem not to be working, consult a healthcare professional to treat the snoring problem.