The ultimate goal that we all want to achieve is to make our lives happy. Happiness is a state of mind and being happy impacts overall mental and physical health. However, life brings us hardships, tough situations, and moments that make us feel down. So, it is essential to figure out things that will make you happier.
Developing a positive attitude and inculcating some good habits can bring changes and make you feel happy. Therefore, if you are wondering how to be happy, try out the things that please you and bring positive vibes. In this blog post, we will highlight the acts or habits that can make you feel happy and bring positive changes in your daily life. Continue reading.
How to Feel Happy: 15 Things to Do
The way we think and behave impacts our overall life and bringing a little change in our daily habits can make a big difference. Once you figure out the habit or an action that makes you happy can change your entire perspective regarding life. Check out the simple 15 things to make your life happy.
1. Maintain a Smiling Face
Putting a simple on your face may sound a bit confusing as it gives a sense of faking a smile, but the truth is that a physical smile can bring bodily changes and make you feel happy. Developing a habit of greeting everyone with a smile makes others feel good about you. Interacting with your colleagues, friends, and family members with a smiling face can work and make you feel happy. So, if you are struggling to find out what makes you happy, try maintaining a smiling face.

2. Kissing or Hugging Someone
Kissing or hugging increases the level of positiveness and brings a happy feeling. As proven by scientific research hugging empowers your body to release a love hormone known as “oxytocin”. In addition, hugging someone you love can lower the level of stress-causing hormone known as “cortisol”. Sharing love or affection with your loved ones can make you feel happy. In today’s digital era sharing kisses, hugs, and love emotions via social media platforms is in trend and makes people feel happy.
3. Try to Do a Happy Dance
Whether you can dance or not, shaking your body to any music tone can prove handy to release your frustrations, tensions, and worries. Dancing is the secret to finding happiness in any moment of life. We are seeing a surge in professional dancing clubs or classes around us. Try to dance whenever you find an appropriate moment. If possible, make your way to a dancing club or classes near you to bring a positive change in your life. Dancing can be the answer to the basic question i.e. how to be happier?

4. Develop an Empathic Attitude
Being empathic means understanding others’ feelings and thoughts to show your care. When you accept another person’s feelings without any judgment it opens up a space for you to touch the hearts of people. Connecting with people with being judgmental is a good habit to make you feel positive. Showing concern towards a person going through suffering can make both of you feel better. So, developing an empathic attitude is also an ideal option to bring happiness in life.
5. What Makes Me Happy? A Randon Act of Kindness
Another thing that can make your day happier is to help a random person in a random situation. Whether you are going to an office, college, or any other place, helping a random person with even a little help can make you feel happy. Saying even a hello to a person you don’t know but come across every day while passing through can bring a positive vibe to you.
6. Bring Change in Your Routine
Doing the same thing or following the same routine can make your life boring and make you feel down. Bringing change to your daily routine is essential to infuse a fresh feeling and lift your mood. You can try varied things to break the routine like sitting in a park or having a coffee with friends instead of common back home straight away. You can also try to travel through different routes to reach your office or other places. Going for a walk, sometimes for a swimming session is also an option to break your daily routine. Trying out new things daily can prove helpful in making life happier.
7. Connect with Friends
A conversation with a friend can be refreshing and helps you to feel happy. Connecting to a known friend and sharing feelings is essential to release stress and frustration. You can consider spending a day out with friends or calling them in the evening to watch TV series, sports matches, play video games, and others. Spending time with friends can be one of the things that make you happy.

8. Indulge in a Hobby
Spend your free time by engaging yourself in a hobby. You may have an interest in music, gardening, cycling, swimming, etc. Keep yourself busy in a hobby to reduce negative thoughts and enhance positive feelings.
9. Play a Sport
Playing a sport can prove the ultimate mood lifter and can boost your confidence as well. Participating in a sports activity is beneficial for mental and physical health. Sports also promote social interaction that leads to happier feelings.

10. Forgive Others
Forgiving others for their harsh behaviors or wrongdoings that may have hurt you is the one thing to get on with your life. Forgiving others makes you feel lighter and helps to get rid of the grudges that you are carrying along.
11. Inspire Others
Try to be an inspiration for others by your deeds and actions. It makes you feel happy and proud when someone walks to you and says you inspire him/her to achieve this and that. So, try to inspire others with your daily actions to make people respect you and live a dignified life.
12. Give Yourself a Treat
Treating yourself well is another way to live a happier life. You can give yourself a treat when feeling off. You can buy new clothes, have your favorite meals in a restaurant 🍽️, watch a movie in a theater, etc. All these things can help you to reduce stress and make you feel good.
13. Volunteer
Volunteering with a non-profit organization or doing some community work can make you feel happier. Helping others without any monetary benefits inculcates a feeling of responsibility and promotes an empathetic attitude.

14. Buy a Meal for a Stranger
Try to buy a meal for a stranger you may see out there on a street or under a bridge. The simile you receive from a stranger after feeding them can make your day. You can also try to buy other necessary things for people living on streets, in slums, under bridges, and others.
15. Say No
Saying no is an important art and quality in a person. Saying yes to all the things to please others can hurt you in the long run. Sometimes it is essential to say no to reduce discomfort, stress, and establish a strong personality.
In conclusion, living a happy life is not difficult as you can find happiness in small things around you. You can develop habits that lead to happiness or engage yourself in activities that make you happy. Altering your daily routine and developing a positive attitude is also essential to making yourself feel happy.