women planting vegetables you can grow in your house or garden

10 Best Must-Grow Vegetables for Your House or Garden for Better Harvests

When planting vegetables to grow in your home or garden, a lot of people have confusion over, what type of vegetables you can cultivate in your home or garden. In order to ease your concern we have come up a list of 10 vegetables you can grow in your house or garden. All of the vegetables we put on the list are easy to practice incorporates both small indoor space planting or larger outdoor space.

From herbs to leafy greens all vegetables of this collected list fit into any space for continuous growing. Furthermore, growing your own vegetables in your home or garden is a way to ensure that no chemicals has been added while the vegetable is growing and is your own fresh healthy produce. Growing your own plants not only gives you ingredients while planting it also makes it a sustainable life.

Let’s explore these 10 vegetables you can grow in your home or garden and start your time gardening today.

List of Vegetables You Can Grow in Your House or Garden

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one most popular vegetable that is cultivated globally. This vegetable is juicy and it can be used in many dishes from sauces to salads. There are various types in it like cherry tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes, these types are high in vitamins C and K.

Tomatoes are grown on plants and they need a lot of sunlight to grow. They are grown in warm climates and they can be harvested when they turn red.

tomato is a vegetables you can grow in your house or garden

How to grow:

  • In House: Use a pot that is 12 inches deep and has a good drainage system. Then place it in a sunny spot and make sure that it gets  6-8 hours of sunlight each day. Water it regularly and keep the soil moist not soggy. Additionally, fertilize it every 4-6 weeks.
  • In Garden: While gardening the tomatoes choose a place that has good sunlight and well draining soil. After doing that, dig the soil 24-36 inches deep.  Water it deeply and consistently, especially during the time when there is no rain. Use mulch to keep the soil moist and prevent weeds. Tomatoes are one of the top vegetables you can grow in your house or garden.

2. Herbs

Herbs like basil, coriander, parsley and mint are easy to grow and they can be used either fresh or dried. These herbs add a fresh flavor to foods.

They are rich in vitamins and grow well in both containers and gardens. Herbs are great vegetables you can grow in your house or garden to add flavor and freshness.

image of herbs

How to grow:

  • In House: Use a small pot with a good drainage system and then place it in a bright spot. Always ensure that you trim herbs for new growth and give them enough light and water. 
  • In Garden:  Plant herbs in a bright sunny area with well drained soil. Water them regularly and give them dried leaves to retain moisture. Pluck the leaves as needed and this process will lead in growing more herbs.

3. Green Garlic

Green Garlic is one more leafy vegetable that can be used in a range of dishes such as soups, salads, stir fries, sauces, and even for garnishing. It is harvested when garlic is not fully matured. It is a young garlic with a milder and fresher flavor than mature garlic.

Green garlic is rich in vitamins, and once again it will add great flavors too many dishes. Green garlic will be easy to grow among vegetables even if you grow your vegetables in your house or garden.

green garlic is one of vegetables you can grow in your house or garden

How to grow:

  • In House: Take a pot with a good drainage system and then fill it with a good draining soil and then plant garlic cloves in the soil and put the pointed area up and place it 2 inches deep. Make sure it gets 6 hours of light per day and soil is moist. And you can harvest it when it is 6-8 inches tall.
  • In Garden: Plant garlic cloves in a bright sunny position with good drained soil. Take 4-6 garlic cloves and place it 2 inches deep in the soil. Then take care of the plant by watering it regularly to keep the soil moist and not soggy.  Harvest it when the tops are green and tender.

4. Lettuce

Lettuce is a leafy vegetable that is used in salads and sandwiches. This vegetable grows quickly and it can be a perfect choice to grow it in cool weather. There are a wide range of lettuce such as  leaf, romaine, and butterhead.

They are rich in vitamins and easy to grow. It can be harvested at any different stages as per your preferences. Lettuce is among the vegetables you can grow in your house or garden that are both nutritious and which is easy to manage.

image of lettuce

How to grow:

  • In House: Take a lightweight pot not too deep with a well drained system, place this pot in a cool and sunny spot. Keep the soil moist and place the seed in distance so that there is enough space for them to grow. After the lettuce is grown, pick out the outer leaves and let the inner ones continue to grow.
  • In Garden: Keep the lettuce seed in a cool and well drained soil. Place them according to their size and types so you cut the issue of overcrowding. And water them regularly and give them dried leaves to keep the soil moist. Harvest the leaves when they are young and tender.

Also Read: Benefits of Healthy Eating 

5. Small Peppers

Small peppers add color and spice to dishes. The peppers are the best vegetables you can grow in your house or garden. They have numerous types of vitamins in them. For optimal growth small peppers require much sunand warmth.

They are usually grown on small sized plants which may be containerized or planted on garden beds. As soon as peppers are firm and get bright colors they are ready to be harvested.

small peppers

How to grow:

  • In House: To cultivate these luscious small peppers, it is important to use a good size container that has proper draining soil contents and place it where there is enough sunlight. Water the plants often and make sure they receive enough sunlight.
  • In Garden: To grow small peppers in the garden you have to place peppers in a sunny place and well drained spot. Place all the peppers about 18-24 inches apart. Use mulch to retain soil moisture and help with weed control and water them regularly and consistently.

6. Spinach

 Spinach is a leafy green that grows quickly and is packed with nutrients like iron, vitamins A, C, and K. This leafy green is commonly seen in kale salads, green smoothies, or cooked dishes.

The best temperature range for growing spinach is a cool climate with an abundant supply of shade. When growing in pots or garden beds, spinach does well. Spinach is one of the vegetables you can grow in your house or garden that thrives in cooler conditions.

Spinach is one of the vegetables you can grow in your house or garden

How to grow:

  • In House: Plant it in a pot with a good drainage and place it in a cool bright spot. Keep the soil moist, then thin out the plants to create space. Regularly pick the outer leaves to encourage new growth.
  • In Garden: Place spinach seeds into cool well-drained soil. Space them at intervals of 6 inches apart from each other. Water regularly to maintain moisture levels and mulch the place for conservation purposes. Young tender leaves are harvested when they appear again on an older plant since they expand their size after 2-3 weeks since their popping out from ground.

7. Cucumber

Cucumbers are crisp and refreshing, ideal for salads and pickles. They grow on vines that need plenty of space and sunlight. Cucumbers are high in water and vitamins, so they demand a lot of heat.

In addition, cucumbers thrive in large pots with trellises or garden beds that offer good support for vines. Cucumber are perfect vegetables you can grow in your house or garden


How to grow:

  • In House: Use a large pot with a trellis or support for the vines. Place it in an area with plenty of sunlight where the plant can get enough light. Water regularly and keep the soil moist. Fertilize the plant to support its growth
  • In Garden: Plant cucumbers in a sunny spot with well drained soil. Place them some how about 12-18 inches apart so that it uses a trellis for the plant to climb.

8. Onion & Garlic

Onion and garlic give a strong flavor to many dishes and they can be stored for a longer period of time. They are easy to grow and they are planted in both container and garden beds. There are many types of onion and garlic is good for health benefits and unique taste.

These vegetables need more sunlight and well-drained soil to grow well. Onions and garlic are reliable vegetables you can grow in your house or garden for adding robust flavors to your meals.

Onion and Garlic

How to grow:

  • In House: To plant this vegetable use a pot that is deep and has a good drainage system. Plant onion sets or garlic cloves in the soil and place the pot in a sunny spot. Water them regularly and keep the soil moist. Harvest when the tops turn yellow and dry out.
  • In Garden: Plant the onions or garlic in a sunny spot with well drained soil. Place the sets or garlic cloves 4-6 inches apart from each other. Water regularly and use mulch to retain moisture. Harvest when the tops start to yellow and dry. 

9. Lemons

Lemon is used in many recipes and drinks. They require a lot of light and warmth for proper growth. Lemon trees can be grown in pots or gardens but require regular maintenance for effective growth.

Generally, they are grown in warmer climates but can also be grown indoors given the right conditions.


How to grow:

  • In House: Use a big pot with fertile soil that drains well and then put it in a window that has a lot of sunshine or place under grow lights. Water them often making sure to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Provide necessary nutrition with a citrus fertilizer so as to stimulate growth properly
  • In Garden: When planting lemon trees use a sunny and well-drained location. The distance between them should depend on their expected mature size hence should be planted with such limits allowing enough space for root establishment while at the same time preventing crowding which leads to stunted growth due to competition among themselves against scarce resources like water, nutrients, sunlight etc. Water them regularly and make sure the soil is moist and not soggy.

10. Green Chilis

Many dishes have green chilly to add spicy flavor. They are rich in vitamins and small size plants. Temperature is the only thing necessary for chilis growth followed by enough sunlight.

On pots or gardens they can be grown but harvested when ready which means their color should change or their sizes increase.

Green Chille

How to grow:

  • In House: Utilize a big container that drains well with soils grown under the sun’s rays . The earth should not dry out while this is done. Fertilizers must be applied every few weeks on this plant too. You can either pick the green ones or wait till they turn red before harvesting.
  • In Garden: Pick out a sunny spot and plant chilis there having well drained soil. Plant these around 18-24 inches apart from each other. Water them deeply and regularly. Apply mulch in order to keep moist soil as well as controlling weeds within it. To grow them inside your home or outside, green chilis are one of the best spices among vegetables.


When you incorporate such plants into your home or garden, you will enjoy fresh produce alongside the sense of satisfaction that comes with growing your own food. Whether growing indoors or outdoors, these alternatives have different flavors and nutrition that will make your meals delicious. All these given vegetables you can grow in your house or garden helps in making your meals more delicious.

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